Activity 5.1 - Introduction to Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice is the unbiased treatment and inclusion of people of all races, ethnicity, and nationalities in every aspect of environmental policy-making and enforcement to equally share all burdens and benefits. This also means that all communities are safe, sustainable, and productive and people can flourish without interference from environmental racism. It aims to protect each person's right to environmental equity.


EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan in Warren County Saturday officially establishes the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. Photo: EPA

Environmental Racism

Environmental racism is the disproportionate effect of environmental issues and consequences on people of color. This is due to institutional racism and government and corporate policies, practices, and decisions that, intentionally or unintentionally, target people and communities of color. For example low income communities of color are often unfairly effected by pollution from toxic waste facilities, landfills, and other pollutants that are extremely detrimental to their health. 

Systemic disadvantage extends to the very air we breathe. Image: Reuters/Damir Sagolj

Environmental Equity

Environmental equity is the idea that all people are entitled to the basic human right of safe and healthy livelihoods and environment, free from environmental racism. The goal of environmental justice is environmental equity for all. 

Young women at a protest advocating for environmental protection, n.d

Climate Justice

Climate justice is a sub-category of environmental justice which focuses on the disproportionate impacts of climate disasters specifically on vulnerable communities, and often communities of color. For example, many indigenous communities who often contribute little to climate change, are forced to bear the brunt of disasters such as melting arctic ice and hurricanes. The goal of climate justice is to have fair distribution of resources to all communities in need, and to enact institutional change that will protect their vital resources. 

Members of the indigenous Saami community march during a Friday for Future protest in Jokkmokk, northern Sweden on Feb. 7, 2020. Credit: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP via Getty Images

Members of the indigenous Sámi community march during a Friday for Future protest in Jokkmokk, northern Sweden on Feb. 7, 2020. Credit: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP via Getty Images


Through this activity, I learned the definitions of environmental justice, environmental racism, environmental equity, and climate justice as well as the nuances between them. The fact that there is a difference between environmental justice and equity is a new concept for me. In short, environmental equity is every persons right to a safe and healthy environment and resources while environmental justice is the method of protecting that right. I also learned the relationship between these things and how they function together in the real world.


Allen, J. (2022, September 29). EPA launches Office for Advancing Environmental Justice. Coastal Review. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

The complicated history of environmental racism. UNM Newsroom. (2020, August 4). Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

Environmental Justice & Environmental racism. Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). Learn About Environmental Justice . EPA. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

Green, M. (2021, February 10). Environmental equity vs. environmental justice: What's the difference? MobilizeGreen. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

Lawcirca. (2019, July 18). Environmental equity V/S environment justice: Justice movements in India. Law Circa. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

On climate justice: Climate change and environmental justice. Ramsey County. (2022, October 3). Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

Weisbrod, K. (2021, July 7). An indigenous group's objection to geoengineering Spurs a debate about social justice in climate science. Inside Climate News. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

What is environmental racism and how can we fight it? World Economic Forum. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2023, from


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