Activity 3.1 – Agriculture 101

  • History of Agriculture

    • Pre-Modern Agriculture

      • Animals require nutrients to survive

      • Most populations originally nomadic hunters and gatherers

      • Change from hunting and gathering to more complex systems happened 10,000 yrs ago

        • Southwest Asia 

          • Early holocene (9,500 B.C.)

          • First instance of planted crops

          • Grains, lentils, peas, lentils, vetch, flax

        • Persian Gulf (Fertile Crescent) and China

          • 7,000 B.C.

          • Domesticated animals: Sheep and goats plus oxen for labor

        • Americas

          • 3,000-2,700 B.C. 

          • Plants such as maize, potato, tomato, pepper, squash, and beans 

      • Development of agriculture led to

        • Settlements 

        • Greater population density

        • Armies to protect croplands

      • More advanced agricultural techniques

        • Crop rotation 

        • Manure fertilization

        • Terraced rice fields

        • Cattle plowing

        • Irrigation systems

      • Agricultural exchange led to

        • Globalization 

        • Atlantic slave trade 

      • From the 1800’s on

        • Advanced breeding techniques

        • Nitrogen and phosphorous crop fertilizers

        • Vitamins for livestock

        • Tractors

          • Doubled crop production

          • Utilized fossil fuel

        • Dangers of monoculture discovered

    • Moving Towards Modern Agriculture: The Green Revolution

      • Green revolution

        • Cereal grain production boom after WWII

        • Crop production increases dramatically

        • Chemical warfare led to agrochemicals 

        • Agroscience leads to 

          • Chemicals

          • Industrial containment 

          • Vitamins 

          • Antibiotics

          • Genetic engineering

      • Limitations of industrial agriculture

        • Productivity must continually increase to match growing populations

          • Production has not increases due to 

            • Social and political conflicts 

            • Land degradation

            • Economic market volatility

        • Push for lower cost and more production leads to 

          • Pollution

          • Pesticide resistance

          • Changing conditions for crops

  • Issues of Modern Agriculture

    • Water Pollution from Fertilizers

      • Nutrients can benefit crops but run-off into waterways can cause a range of problems

      • Nitrates (NO3)

        • Occurs naturally and synthetically

        • Common compound needed for plant growth

        • Very water soluble 

          • Easily disintegrated and washed away with water

        • Causes blue baby syndrome

      • Phosphorus 

        • Essential for plant growth 

        • Occurs naturally and synthetically 

        • Less water soluble 

          • Moves soil particles with it

        • Accumulates in larger bodies of water

        • Causes algae blooms 

          • Makes the water unfit for 

            • Habitation

            • Drinking 

            • Recreation 

    • Pesticides and Pesticide Resistance

      • Weeds compete with crops for resources

      • Pests feed on the leaves, stems, and fruit of crops

      • Chemical sprays aka pesticides are used reduce damage caused by pests

        • Herbicides

          • Control weeds

          • Can also harm crops

          • Led to genetically modified crops that can withstand herbicides

            • Glyphosate the most common broad spectrum herbicide

          • Can produce herbicide resistant weeds

        • Insecticides

          • Control insects

          • Applied to seeds or directly to crops 

          • Neonicotinoids

            • Major class of insecticides

            • Does not break down easily

            • Can pollute waterways, killing beneficial insects such as bees

    • Climate Change

      • Agriculture and forestry make up 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions

      • Agricultural activities contribute to climate change such as

        • Cultivation of soil releases carbon dioxide CO2

        • Nitrous fertilizers release nitrous oxide N2O

        • Livestock belching and decomposing manure releases methane CH4

      • Sustainable agriculture can also act as a “sink” or storage for greenhouse gasses 

      • Presents opportunities and challenges for agriculture 

        • Opportunities 

          • Longer growing seasons in the north 

            • More options for crops grown there 

            • Flexibility when planning

          • More favorable growing conditions for some crops 

            • More productivity

        • Challenges

          • Better conditions for pests and diseases leads to increased number and intensity 

          • More severe weather events 

            • loss of crops 

          • Droughts and higher temperatures 

            • Loss of crops 

            • Land has less agricultural potential

      • Cons of climate change for agriculture outweigh the pros 

    • Soil Loss

      • Soil is important in agriculture because it 

        • Holds nutrients and water

        • Helps anchor plants through their roots

        • Protects from flooding 

        • Helps get water from the surface to the subsurface 

      • Agricultural practices can contribute to soil loss 

        • Tillage 

          • Breaks up top soil to encourage plant growth

          • Can dry out soil causing it to blow or wash away

          • Destroys beneficial fungi in the soil

        • Leaving a field fallow

          • Used to reduce

            • Weeds

            • Potential for disease

            • Build up nutrients in soil

          • Can also allow soil to move over time 

        • Removing stubble from fields in the fall/removing or not planting trees

          • Stubble and trees capture soil in wind and prevent it from blowing away

          • Stubble can also capture snow in the winter, improving soil moisture

  • What is Sustainable Agriculture?

    • Defining Sustainable Agriculture

      • Sustainable Agriculture considers natural ecological functions such as

        • Nutrient cycling 

        • Biodiversity 

        • Evolution 

      • Focuses on reducing fossil fuels like pesticides and fertilizers 

      • Benefits include

        • Improved soil health 

        • Reducing pests and weeds 

        • Promotes biodiversity 

          • Biodiversity plays important role in pest and weed control

      • Mainly used as subsistence farming 

        • Supports a small community with little no no leftover produce

        • Typical in developing countries

      • Example: slash and burn agriculture 

      • Methods include 

        • Integrated pest management

        • Organic farming through intercropping

        • Maintenance of biodiversity

    • Food Security and Food Safety

      • Food security

        • When everyone has reliable access to safe and nutritious foods at all times 

        • Achieved through sustainable food and agriculture practices

        • Food sovereignty 

          • People’s right to sustainably produced, healthy food and 

          • People’s right to define their own food and agriculture systems 

        • Food insecurity 

          • Inadequate food based on 

            • Quality 

            • Quantity 

            • Nutritional value

      • Food safety

        • Desire to maximize profits leads corporations to use GMOs, pesticides and preservatives 

          • Consumers grow more suspicious of food

    • Complexity of the Agricultural and Food Production System

      • Agriculture and food production today is extremely diverse and complex

        • Can range from one small family business to multi-glomerates 

          • Multi-glomerates are massive corporations that control a large portion of world 

            food production

      • Global markets and farmers markets 

        • Large, multi-national companies 

          • Do not sell directly to consumers 

          • Control a significant amount of the world’s food production

        • According to greenpeace

          • Six corporations control 75% of the world’s pesticide market

          • Worldwide, factory farms account for 

            • 75% of poultry production

            • 43% of egg production 

            • 55% of pork production

          • Four corporations control more than 75% of global grain trade

        • Most of the world’s food is controlled by 10 major corporations that make $1.1 billion in 

          profits daily

        • Many consumers support farmer’s markets, food co-ops and CSA programs to 

          • Know who produces their food

          • Know the level of freshness

          • Support local economies

      • Number of farms is decreasing while size of farms increases

        • It is becoming less economically sustainable to maintain small local farms

        • While total farmland is staying consistent, the number of farms is steadily decreasing

      • Women on family farms also play a key role in the productivity of the farm on top of maintaining 

        a functioning household

        • this could present solutions when exploring sustainability and agricultural security

  • Practices in Sustainable Agriculture

    • Integrated Pest Management

      • An environmentally friendly way of managing and controlling pests

      • Goal is to prevent pest arrival based on information from

        • Inspection

        • Monitoring 

        • Reporting

      • Strategies implemented to combat pests include

        • Removing factors that attract pests

          • Clutter

          • Standing water

          • Food

        • Pest trapping 

        • Heat and cold treatment

        • Physical removal 

        • Pesticides as a last resort

      • Thailand and Vietnam combat pests by 

        • Encouraging natural predators to feed on pests

        • Using clean pest resistant seeds

        • Using minimal fertilizer

      • Improve human health and saves money, but more labor intensive

    • Organic Farming through Intercropping

      • Intercropping is used in subsistence farming

      • Based on management of plant interactions to maximize yield 

      • Involves cultivating polyculture (two or more) crops 

      • Benefits

        • More efficient use of land

        • Sustainable yield

        • Reduced crop loss

        • Erosion control

        • Reduced loss of nutrients 

        • Soil fertility maintenance 

        • Balanced distribution of labor

        • Higher profit than monocultures 

      • Two main methods:

        • Temporal intercropping 

          • Crops are grown simultaneously for the most part, but do not have to be sown 

            or harvested at the same time 

          • Most successful when asynchronous 

        • Spatial intercropping 

          • Arrangement of crops on a field 

    • Enhancing Biodiversity in Agroecosystems

      • Biodiversity plays key role in improving and maintaining ecosystems in the face of environmental pressures

        • Diverse communities are more resistant to external stresses

          • Diversification can help improve crop systems through resource partitioning 

      • Biodiversity can be enhanced by 

        • Utilizing cover crops to 

          • Attract pollinators

          • Reduce water loss

          • Supply useful nutrients

        • Using more than one cultivar of a crop to increase genetic diversity

      • Goal is to sustain ecosystem functions and improve system resilience

      • Linked to ecosystem services

        • Provisioning 

        • supporting/regulating 

        • Cultural 

    • New Trends: Diversified Agroecological Farming

      • Agriculture poses prevalent threat to biodiversity

        • 75% of plant and animal species which have gone extinct in the past 500 years were 

          impacted by agriculture and over-exploitation

        • Agricultural land use and intensification endanger over 60% of threatened species 

      • Tweaking agricultural practices can help but a fundamentally different model is required to solve 

        long-term problems

      • Diversification techniques are based on agroecology

        • A science which uses ecology to promote sustainable food production, the key characteristics being:

          • Temporal diversification

          • Wide range of species

          • Natural synergies emphasized and production types integrated

          • Labour-intensive systems

          • Maximization of multiple outputs

          • Low external inputs

          • Production of a wide range of less homogeneous products

      • Reduction of agrochemical inputs can improve soil health

      • GMOs can pose a possible solution to to problems associated with industrial farming

    • Case Study: Drinking Tea in a Healthier Environment

      • Tea, while having a reputation of being healthy, is actually subject to extensive use of synthetic pesticides

        • This practice has harmed beneficial pest predators and pest parasitoids 

        • Resulted in pest outbreaks 

          • Pest damage decreases marketability

          • Leads to significant crop loss and further pesticide use

      • Regulating bodies and organizations have prescribed limits on pesticides 

        • China in response, reduced the use of pesticides through 

          • Biodiversity 

          • Cover crops

          • Yellow sticky cards

          • Volatiles which attract pest enemies

    • Case Study: But What About Fertilizers?

      • Chemical fertilizers

        • Inorganic fertilizers made mainly of petroleum or rock

        • Offer readily available nutrients 

        • Can lead to soil and water pollution

      • Organic fertilizers

        • Organic alternative to chemical fertilizers

        • Offers nutrients in their natural form

        • Examples include 

          • Manure

            • Animal waste 

          • Compost

            • Food waste, organic litter, and other garden waste

        • Different from inorganic fertilizers in that 

          • Organic matter in organic fertilizers retains water and nutrients and prevent soil erosion

          • Nutrients are released over time 

          • Biodegradable: little to no risk of toxic accumulation 

        • Drawback is that in order to breakdown the organic matter, microorganisms require warm, moist soil

      • Agrominerals 

        • Naturally occurring fertilizer found around the world

        • Rocks and minerals that contain beneficial plant nutrients

        • Composed of 

          • Potassium salts 

            • Important in root development 

            • Needed for composition of plant DNA and RNA

          • Phosphorus-containing rocks

            • Necessary for enzyme activation 

            • Required for withstanding extreme temperatures or droughts

          • Silicates and carbonate rocks

            • Limestone and dolostone 

        • Carbonite sold as limiting agent to increase soil pH 

          • Possibly good fertilizer option

Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC). (2017). Sustainable agriculture, in Environmental sustainability 

in practice. 


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